Tag: abstract illusionism

  • Joe Doyles’s Star Chart Inspired by Polynesian ‘Stick Charts’

    Had a conversation with Joe Doyle today, always a pleasure talking with and hearing about what inspired some of his work. I’ve been fortune enough to acquire a few of his Abstract Illusionism pieces with plans to continue. During the conversation we spoke about some of his earliest work, one being “Star Chart” featured in…

  • Abstract Illusionism – Joe Doyle (1941)

    I recently picked up this piece entitled Corium  X by Joe Doyle created in 1986 . In the 1970’s Doyle helped established Abstract Illusionism, one of the earliest styles in postmodernism. Doyle was born in 1941 in New York City. He received his B.A.  and M.A. at San Francisco State University in 1969 and 1971 respectively.    …